⏳Short in time? Here It’s a Quick Guide to prevent tracking from Facebook It may not be wrong If I say Facebook is a king of social media platforms and we people addicted to it but in return, they also use our data for their benefit so to avoid this VPN is the best option To avoid and in my opinion, ExpressVPN will do Wonders for you because of its brilliant features and its accuracy will be the cure of your problem.

What Does Facebook Knows About Me

Well, We use Facebook for fun to interact with our friends, to watch video streams, to read articles, to play games in the apps section, To read news feeds which we followed or liked the pages we see that updates from that particular page or friends activities in that section, we see stories in Facebook, we upload our pictures, we share what we like. There are so many things which we can do on Facebook and all of us on a daily basis do that or see those activities on Facebook but have you ever wondered what Facebook knows about you? If I say Facebook knows you better than your family members, loved ones, friends, etc and I know you’re shocked, But yes it’s true.

Facebook knows Your Interest what you liked or Followed

How to remove ad Interests so that Facebook will not track you for Advertisements

Just a simple step you have to do just go to page why you’re seeing this ad and on this page, you will see What you can do if you want to Hide that particular ad just click on Hide all ads from this advertiser or if you want to make changes or remove some particular interests then click on Make changes to the ad preferences you can modify the changes

Facebook Knows all Your activities in Its Platform

Facebook knows what pages you visit, what pages you liked & followed, messages you’ve shared and exchanged with other people on Messenger, your Facebook gaming profile and games you’ve played, a history of payments that you’ve made through Facebook, items that you’ve sold through the market place, etc

Facebook Knows what you did years ago

Most often you will see the notification that 4 years ago you post this picture and then you share it in your timeline so you can assume Facebook will track your activity as possible.

Facebook knows all your Device location

You will be shocked to know that Facebook tracks every device you use from that particular location, You will forget how many phones you tried while login to Facebook but it tracks everything and you can assume now why Facebook is ruling the Social Media .

Why Facebook Has so much Data of their users

Facebook has so much data because has so many users, It’s not rocket science to understand why they have so much data. Well, More the users, More the data, and vice-versa. According To Hootsuite, People prefer Facebook for news feeds to any other social media platform.

How to use Facebook Securely

Facebook is widely used people all over the world and it has so many features that attract its users to use that application but in return, Facebook also uses your data information in such a way where it can benefit for their own purpose as I have explained how Facebook uses your data and from where. Now the main question is how you can use Facebook safely without being Tracked Well, VPN is the best option and According to me, ExpressVPN is the best option because it is secure, fast and geo-blocking location feature makes it stand taller among all the options as It helps you to prevent tracking from Facebook when you use Different locations, advertisements will not be shown you because you set a different location too.

Top Facebook Scams & How you can avoid it

1. Romance scams

Romance scams are very popular on Facebook platforms, Scammer sends a Facebook request to some random person and when he or she accepts a friend requests at that situation trap is going to start and scammer play with the trust & emotions of that person and when things get serious, scammers tend to blackmail that person and ask for the money.

2. Fake Prize Rewards

Another Facebook scam you will come across commonly is that you get a message on your inbox that you won a free gift worth thousands of bucks somethings in return they ask for shipment charges, they demanded shipment charges first then they promise to deliver that goods but when you give that money through QR or some Payments payment they disappeared & You’re Trapped.

3. Bogus Job Scams

Bogus Job Scams! There are numerous Facebook groups that claim they have a job vacancy and when a job applicant filed his application and works for a month and when is the time of salary getting paid then the employer get disappeared and you can assume how frustrating is this.

4. Shopping Scams

The most popular scams you will ever face is Shopping scams in which you see an advertisement of some duplicate brands and you get trapped of seeing wonderful ads and get trapped because you make a payment and they get Dissapperaed and again You get Trapped!

How to avoid that scam

1. Aware Of Fake jobs

Before applying for a job in Facebook groups always see the details of the company like Website, Facebook page, Instagram page, Youtube channel, Linkedin profile, so in short, before applying for a job should see if the company is legitimate or not?

2. Lock down your Facebook Privacy

Another way you can avoid scams is to Lockdown your Facebook privacy settings because it protects you from unknown strangers who just see your profile picture nothing else. Let’s know how to lock with just simple steps

2. Check your login history regularly

If you want to avoid scams must have to do a little effort by keep on checking the login details of your profile

3. Ignore Personal messages that asks to many information or money

If someone gives sends you a message for asking too many messages and asks you for money then totally ignore that person if the person is a good friend of yours or a family member then you should verify this because your family member or a close friend can also connect via different messages applications.

Wrap up!

Facebook gives us so many options to smile because it allows us to interact with so many people at one time but if you look at the other side Facebook is also using our precious data for their own purpose, so in that situation, you have to be little cautious and be smart by using VPN, ExpressVPN will do that the job for you so what are you waiting for.

What Does Facebook Knows About Me in 2023    VPN Helpers - 39What Does Facebook Knows About Me in 2023    VPN Helpers - 67What Does Facebook Knows About Me in 2023    VPN Helpers - 6What Does Facebook Knows About Me in 2023    VPN Helpers - 22What Does Facebook Knows About Me in 2023    VPN Helpers - 28What Does Facebook Knows About Me in 2023    VPN Helpers - 78What Does Facebook Knows About Me in 2023    VPN Helpers - 90What Does Facebook Knows About Me in 2023    VPN Helpers - 83What Does Facebook Knows About Me in 2023    VPN Helpers - 75What Does Facebook Knows About Me in 2023    VPN Helpers - 87What Does Facebook Knows About Me in 2023    VPN Helpers - 29