Online gaming communities 📈rose very massively in recent times, most people are connecting to public Wi-Fis at coffee shops, ✈️air-ports, railway stations, etc to play 🎮games with friends (Hang-out with them online). While online games are the most immersive souls & 🙂stress-busters. ⏳ Short in time? Here is a quick tip to avoid DDoS Attack: DDoS attacks on online games make them 🥶freeze or ⛔unresponsive. Even you might don’t know that you are under attack. Opponent players might take this as an advantage to🤼 defeat you. It’s impossible to find the person behind the DDoS attack, online games exposing your IP address are the root cause for these. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) will hide your IP Address and all DDoS attacks will occur on VPN Server, effectively built with anti-DDoS ⚙️engines. So you can 😃enjoy seamless gaming (0 interruptions).

What is a DDoS attack?

DDoS is known as Distributed Denial of Service, which means attacking a target user’s network with tons of requests from compromised devices. All these devices will be infected with malware referred to as 🤖bots, together forming a botnet. DDoS botnets are available for 👛rentals called “Booters or Stressers“. Anyone can take these bots for rent with their credit card or Bitcoin. You don’t need any technical skills to start a DDoS attack, it just costs you a few bucks to own bots.

How does it work in the context of the game?

Well, once the victim’s (Opponent’s) IP Address is found, each bot in the botnet will send an infinite request to the target device to overwhelm the server causing poor internet speed, lagging, or network dropout. A well-planned DDoS will parallelize your player moment taking you out o the game. NetScout made an intelligent threat report, DDoS attacks are growing in the Gaming industry. Also, there are other industries that are suffering from this attack.

How DDoS Attack Ruins Online Games

There were 24 million online players as per Steam platform reports. Players are constantly increasing & spending money on online games. Gaming industries keep tracking these DDoS attacks for 2 decades. They have observed a pattern in these attack DDoS attack on single-player will affect that participant, unable to play the game due to server unavailable or network issues. Some popular online games or VoIP services used by gamers will expose the IP Addresses of players. DDoS on the company server occur very rarely causing the game to freeze or stop unexpectedly. While most games conceal the IP of players, but for administrators it’s visible. Also, using third–party communication platforms while gaming might leak your IP. Though it’s not a security risk, it’s really ♨️frustrating for gamers to 🕹️play the game during a DDoS attack. These attacks occur on any internet-connected devices like Mobile Phones, PlayStation, PC, Xbox. Though attacking victim devices with requests is illegal, it’s impossible to track the person behind the attack. So, it’s vital to stay protected like the saying “Prevention is better than cure“.

VPN preventing DDoS attacks

DDoS 🥷attacks are performed on IP Addresses, there is nothing you can do except to hide your IP. Yes, you are right about what to do? Using a VPN will assign you a new IP, so all the DDoS attacks will be on VPN Server. Since premium VPNs are very intelligent to handle DDoS attacks, they can handle them. So you can 🤗enjoy the games without any lags or network issues. But the VPN keeps your device safe, not the game server. For e.g, if they aimed to attack the game server, Neither a VPN nor you can’t do anything about it. Installing a VPN on the router will 💪save your gaming consoles (Play Station/ Consoles). You can download any online game from steam unlocked, torrents with a VPN and start playing them right now. 📝Note:- VPN can only protect the user, not the game server.

Best VPNs for Gaming

1. NordVPN- Best No Log All Rounder

NordVPN is exceptional in download & upload speeds (ultimate gaming experience). It also ensures military-grade security without any DNS/IPv6 leaks (proven in tests). With its 5400+ servers in 62+ countries all over the world to quickly connect to a server, also offers Onion over VPN for complete anonymity. NordVPN has a very simple UI and is beginner-friendly and compatible with all the device platforms like Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS. You can enjoy the service in six simultaneous connections per subscription NordVPN is a top VPN recommended by Reddit users. NordVPN is a 👑king for torrenting to get your latest game. While the PING performance is impressive, try out its NordLynx protocol for a killer gaming experience.NordVPN is very affordable compared to other VPNs, check out in the full review. Also, they are offering 30 days of the money-back guarantee program. So you can try this without any risk. So, if you don’t like the app then you will get your full refund within 5 days. And if you need a VPN for 1-2 weeks only then can try NordVPN for free using its money-back program.

2. SurfShark Game Centric VPN

Surfshark is a pure game-centric VPN delivering very low PING for smooth gaming, the relatively low difference in regular & VPN download speeds. But upload speeds really matter for streamers, for which NordVPN hits the ground. This VPN has a great rating without any issues while connecting. You will get full bandwidth for your usage in either way without straining your pockets. Its app is very straightforward with decent features including kill Switch (cut down your internet connection when VPN connection is down) and camouflage mode that hides the notification of using a VPN on your devices. Surfshark is relatively cheaper compared to other VPNs and does a great job of torrenting. Also, they offer 45 days risk-free money-back guarantee program. If you don’t want to empty your pockets for a VPN consider this one as an option.

3. IPVanish

IPVanish provides your Dynamic IPs from its’ 1500+ servers in more than 75 locations across the world. So you can rest assured about your privacy while gaming. IPVanish is so🔥 fast, you can’t tell the difference whether you are connected to VPN. They have also included leak protection along with standard 256-bit encryption and OpenVPN protocol. You will also get SugarSync backup storage with a new subscription (🧠extra piece of mind) You can enjoy unlimited simultaneous device connections. While the impact on your download & upload speeds is very minimal. Also, offers decent performance in real-time online gaming to maintain low PING. IPVanish is a quality VPN you can get without spending much and also they are offering 30 days risk-free money-back program and 24/7 live chat support for all of your problems. If you want then there is a hidden page for low price subscriptions.


DDoS attacks can only occur if the attacker knows your IP Address. No one knows whether your online game keeps your IP private. But a VPN will hide your IP always, ensuring that no can knows your real identity. Even if a DDoS attack happens, it will be on a VPN server. Best VPN providers have excellent DDoS 🛡️protection, so you can enjoy your 🎮game without any interruptions. 😉Tip:- It’s advisable to maintain some distance from untrustworthy services if you think they are exposing your IP Address.

Avoid DDoS  Seamless Online Gaming Experience in 2023   VPN Helpers - 83Avoid DDoS  Seamless Online Gaming Experience in 2023   VPN Helpers - 75Avoid DDoS  Seamless Online Gaming Experience in 2023   VPN Helpers - 86Avoid DDoS  Seamless Online Gaming Experience in 2023   VPN Helpers - 23